Welcome To Histofi

The Gateway to Data-Driven Cancer Care

We deliver cancer care technologies to providers
and help patients live a quality life.
Globe with human faces

Globally, about 70% of cancer patients are in developing nations, and 80% of specialized cancer pathologists are in the USA.

Young woman working with liquids in glassware

The constant development of scientific resources in cancer care often takes years to reach patients in many parts of the world.


To bridge gaps in cancer care across regions, we built the Histofi platform for providers and a mobile app for patients paired with a trained navigator.

Human Data

Shortening the time to a cancer diagnosis with better accuracy saves lives, costs, and improves outcomes.


Our “patient-centric and provider-friendly” model is an AI-driven collaborative mechanism serving stakeholders in cancer care.

Globally Scalable

The technological and healthcare service products we develop and integrate are globally scalable and contribute to our partners' commercial value.

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Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.